Saturday, September 10, 2011

Portrait Session :: Tatum

I had the opportunity about a month ago to do a little photo session with my dear friend Tatum. She also happens to be one of my favorite subjects to shoot. I think it is a combination of how well we know each other, how comfortable she is in front of a camera and simply the fact that she is just so darn cute. 

Oh, yes, Oso (my little pup) tagged along to Garland Park with us to take the photos and was more than happy to step into some of the shots. 

 After following a few little trails in Garland Park and heading down to the river bank there we decided to head back to my mom's house to utilize her beautiful redwood porch and comfy hammock from Nicaragua.

The other thing about shooting Tatum is that I always walk out with twice (or triple) as many frames as I was originally expecting. I may have to do another blog post later with some more shots down by the river and on my mom's lovely porch. 

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